Though sparklers are safe for all ages, they are considered a type of firework and should be handled with caution. If you’re using sparklers at your wedding, it’s essential to ensure you and your guests use them safely. Whether it’s a sparkler send-off or to capture beautiful photos, here are some ways to use sparklers safely at your wedding.

  1. Have a plan
    The first thing you should do is come up with a plan. Do you want to have a sparkler send-off for your wedding exit? Do you want to use sparklers for wedding photos? Do you want your guests to just light sparklers for fun? Whatever you decide, come up with a plan of what you want your guests to do, where you want them to be, and when. If you’re employing a wedding planner, they will also be able to help with this. But before you can ensure that you’re using sparklers safely, you need to know how you want to use them.
  2. Choose the right location
    The safest location to light sparklers is outside in an open area sheltered from the wind. You can also use sparklers indoors if your venue approves them. Whether indoors or outdoors, the most important consideration is to have enough space to keep your sparkler at arm’s length from yourself and others. Also, keep sparklers away from areas with lots of objects and decorations to avoid a fire hazard.
  3. Designate a coordinator
    Once you plan how to use sparklers at your wedding, assigning someone to coordinate the sparkler action is helpful. This can be a wedding planner, bridesmaid, groomsman, or loved one. Your coordinator will ensure your guests are in the right place at the right time. Having a coordinator leaves you and your partner free to enjoy this part of your wedding.
  4. Give instructions
    Once all the guests are in place, have your coordinator give detailed instructions about how the sparklers will be used, lit, and disposed of. Communicating detailed instructions is one of the best ways to use sparklers safely at your wedding. Things will likely run smoothly when everyone knows what’s happening and what to expect.
  5. Light with caution
    One of the most important safety instructions to communicate to guests is how to light their sparklers. The light source you use will likely depend on the number of guests partaking in your send-off or photos. There are multiple light source options: torches, lighters, candles, matches, or other sparklers. The coordinator will direct guests to the light source to avoid a crowd of people around an open flame.
  6. Have a place to dispose of the sparklers
    Safely disposing of sparklers is just as important as using them. Guests should ensure the flames are fully extinguished before throwing them away. Once the flames are out, the coordinator should direct all guests to a place to dispose of the sparklers. The best options are large buckets of water or sand.

Overall, sparklers are a safe and beautiful addition to your wedding. They pose little risk, but it’s always important to use caution when handling them. For more ideas on how to use sparklers for your wedding, check out our blog. How to Use Sparklers Safely at Your Wedding” Add a sentence at the end “For more information on wedding sparklers laws in your state, check out our sparkler state law pages.